About the consortium
The PEPPY project is the result of a reflection process that involves different actors and operators of the economy, training and education fields around a common theme. At a territorial level, we ask ourselves how to improve training and mentoring programs for young people in order to enable them to acquire sustainable adaptation skills and to engage them in a process that builds, strengthens and continuously develops their skills to respond the permanent challenge of employment.
Project leader: Agency for the development of digital uses in the Basque Country. Key expertise: project management, dissemination strategy, evaluation and analysis.
IUT BAYONNE PAYS BASQUE / Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (FR)
University Institute in Informatics and Industrial Maintenance. Key expertise: design of virtual offices and other digital tools.
Social innovation laboratory working on issues related to autonomy, recognition of vulnerable people and skills development.
European Center Valuation Prior Learning which studies, accumulates and disseminates information on lifelong education and training strategies in which the valuation / validation of prior learning plays a structuring role.
Pioneering organization that initiates and implements projects with positive social impact, especially in entrepreneurship, youth empowerment and social inclusion.
University of Nicosia (CY)
Encourages research and knowledge production, and nurtures innovative partnerships with civic businesses and institutions.
Brings together organizations active in the youth field, aims to improve opportunities in the life of young people, promoting social inclusion through transnational activities and the sharing of good practices.
University of Bologna (IT)
Represented by its Department of Educational Sciences which is a pioneer in the field of education with over 30 years of experience in inclusive education, teacher training, media education, consulting and research.
PEPPY - Promote Education, Participation and Projects for Youth

Financed by
The Erasmus + program
The Erasmus + program is the European program for education, training, youth and sport. It is not intended only for students but is open to all audiences and the fields of education and training, formal or non-formal.
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