GIONET is an association constituted in 2016 as the result of the natural evolution of a path of collaboration among some institutions active in the private social environment and professional education in the setting of some European projects. The association gathers different institutions that work for youth, both directly and through related services, giving value to their roots in the local social environment.
In the last years, we observed a great proliferation of experiences, good practices, and ideas on youth politics on a local, regional, and European basis. However, a background difficulty remains: the actors that work in the third sector and in the youth field are put together just occasionally (calls for participation, subsidies for association and cooperation etc.) and not in a continuous way. GIONET is a place of sharing for social and cultural workers that are daily active with minors, adolescents, and young people. It is also a place of detailed study, reflection and experimentation for politicians, experts, planners on topics such as orientation, education, youth politics, national and transnational mobility, promotion of a culture of sport and free time. A space of sharing of experiences, good practices and ideas about youth politics and increase value of different but complementary points of view and approaches.
The association is present on the national territory through its own partners that promote its anchorage and guarantee the development of the territory and the people acting inside it. The partners are connected by the common commitment consisting in the improvement of the life opportunities of young people, promoting social inclusion by transnational activities and the sharing of good practices. The Association organises congresses, seminars, and actions of co-planning between private and public institutions. It is a place to share experiences and experimentation of innovative projects both at national and European level.
The GIONET association is an associated member of the European network YES Forum. Founded in 2002, it is a European network of 34 non-governmental organizations coming form 18 member States of the European Union, that work with and for young people with less opportunities. The network reaches over 650.000 young people in Europe through its associates.

Contact Info
PEPPY - Promote Education, Participation and Projects for Youth

Financed by
The Erasmus + program
The Erasmus + program is the European program for education, training, youth and sport. It is not intended only for students but is open to all audiences and the fields of education and training, formal or non-formal.
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