Welcome to the PEPPY website
PEPPY, the innovative European project to reveal the talents of young people aged 18 to 25
France, Italy, Cyprus and the Netherlands join forces to restore the confidence of young people aged 18 to 25
In order to support the possibilities of permanent progressive autonomy and to develop the potential of resources and competences for all the young people, the actors of the PEPPY project decided to initiate a project approach combining research-action and direct support to the implementation of territorial initiatives for the local youth
Peppy helps young Europeans meet the ongoing challenge of employment
You are a young person between 18 and 25 years old?
Do you have a project for us?
We accompany you to specify your project, we bring you a methodology and working tools, we find other young people to help you to realize your project
You want to participate in a project submitted by a professional?
On Peppy, companies, associations and individuals can submit project ideas. If you like them, join the teams of young people who are in charge of carrying them out.

Do you work with young people aged 18 to 25?
Pedagogical and accompanying adults who work with young people, teachers, lecturers or vocational trainers, educational actors able to accompany a young person both in his socialization and in the determination of his project, get involved in Peppy
Test a new teaching method
We have created a space for pedagogical innovation that promotes informal learning as a factor in developing skills and stimulating young people.
Train yourself in distance coaching
We have designed a European digital platform that allows both collaborative work and remote support from multidisciplinary teams of educational professionals and actors of daily life and local development.
You want to challenge the youth
Your organization has identified a project but you haven't found the time to develop it yet. Entrust it to PEPPY and teams of young people will propose you a prototype.
Who will carry out the project?
Young people between 18 and 25 years old, mostly out of the formal educational system, young people without diplomas, trainees in vocational training, registered at the Pôle Emploi or in a higher education or training program to prevent them from dropping out.
For what result?
The main objective of the Peppy project is to transform young people into actors of their own change and to use their skills acquired in formal and non-formal educational contexts. Trust them and help us to give them back their confidence.

In figures
Update: May 2023
young people trained and accompanied
organized projects
tutors and supervisors
organizations that have entrusted us with a project
You want to reproduce the project in your territory?
Peppy's mission is to promote links and set up collaboration between all the territorial actors of education and training.
PEPPY - Promote Education, Participation and Projects for Youth

Funded by
The Erasmus + program
The Erasmus + program is the European program for education, training, youth and sport. It is not only intended for students but is open to all publics and the fields of education and training, formal or non-formal.
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