Job opportunities for PEPPY participants at Cyprus perfumery theme park

Peppy project dissemination event took place on Friday, 5 May 2023. PEPPY team shared the Project's outcomes and organized an interactive workshop. Innovative business ideas were generated for PEPPY sponsor, the Cyprus Perfumery Theme Park.

Mr Phylactis Lazarou, the Park’s Manager, confirmed the beneficial impact of PEPPY project on student entrepreneurial skills and employability, and highlighted that ideas generated by PEPPY participants are identical and of similar value with those generated by experienced practitioners.

The Cyprus Perfumery Theme Park is opening eight new positions. PEPPY participants, mainly after the MoU signed between the University of Nicosia and the Park, will be given priority in the recruitment process…

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Published by Emmanuel Arrechea

PEPPY - Promote Education, Participation and Projects  for Youth

Funded by
The Erasmus + program

The Erasmus + program is the European program for education, training, youth and sport. It is not only intended for students but is open to all publics and the fields of education and training, formal or non-formal.

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