The logo chaser


SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education implemented a series of workshops with migrant women at Kofinou Reception Camp in Larnaca as part of the first PEPPY project experimentation. The workshops took place during November and December 2022 to enhance migrant women's entrepreneurial and digital skills.

The project assigned to the migrant women was to design a new logo for the Hub Nicosia, our associated partner.  

Participants were introduced to two software for designing logos, Canva and Rendeforest. It was a creative and fun process for the attendees, who appreciated a lot the idea of learning something that would be useful in their professional lives no matter in which country they would be in the future. Between the two software, the participants had a more prominent preference for the Rendeforest.     

The participants were asked to create three different versions and work on the colour and shape of the proposed versions. The client had requested a logo that would reflect the main aims and activities of the organization. The participants visited the Hub Nicosia website and social media to learn more about the Hub's work. During the brainstorming session, the words that participants focused on were Hub, culture, and social entrepreneurship.

These words were those that, in their opinion, reflected the NGO's activities, and they used them as a description in the Rendeforest software, which generated a series of options. From those options, the participants selected three of them.

The final versions were sent to the director of the organization to decide. The participants created an elevator pitch for each logo as a short description.  

The entire experience was appreciated by both the migrant women and the trainer, Irene Kamba. In their feedback, the trainees spoke with very warm words about the appreciation they felt, the hope sparkled about their future and the belief and trust they regained for themselves.

We at SYNTHESIS owe a big THANK YOU to these women for giving us the opportunity to cooperate with them!

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Published by Emmanuel Arrechea

PEPPY - Promote Education, Participation and Projects  for Youth

Funded by
The Erasmus + program

The Erasmus + program is the European program for education, training, youth and sport. It is not only intended for students but is open to all publics and the fields of education and training, formal or non-formal.

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