PEPPY: a worksite for training soft and technical skills

Launched last September 12, the Peppy Workshop coordinated by GIONET brought a group of 7 youth currently stranded (NEET: young people who are neither studying nor working) coming from the VET field , to the spaces of the Greenhouses at Giardini Margherita.

The PEPPY workshop was designed to re-motivate stalled youth through their involvement in the implementation of a project through design thinking methodologies, group work, and a focus on soft skills

Accompanied by tutors from Associazione GioNet and UNIBO (University of Bologna Department of Education Sciences), the young people were invited to take up the challenge: how can we improve the recycling collection system in the Greenhouses “Serre di Giardini Margherita” in Bologna, so that more and more people do it correctly?

The first days of the workshop allowed to start a path aimed at the emersion of soft skills, the transversal skills that are fundamental in the world of work.

Through a hackathon for the brainstorming of ideas, the young people then worked on the development of two proposals to respond to the challenge set by the Greenhouses - Kilowatt. Over the weeks, the participants implemented the project, accompanied by mentors and professionals from Kilowatt (the organization that manages the space), presenting the results of this work at a public event.

Today the journey of the “PEPPY workshop” is over and we can say that PEPPY for these young people has been a compass to re-motivate them and accompany them in creating solutions for their future employment.

Gathering the testimony of the protagonists of this journey, we can say in summary that PEPPY has brought:

  • greater awareness of one's abilities
  • a renewed enthusiasm and desire to do
  • offered the possibility to imagine a concrete project for the future
  • strengthened the ability to communicate and work as a team

Finally, PEPPY is a path that as a whole has enabled us to activate an entire community and establish a territorial network - consisting of - a network that wants to take care of those young people who have lost motivation towards the world of work and training.

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Published by Emmanuel Arrechea

PEPPY - Promote Education, Participation and Projects  for Youth

Funded by
The Erasmus + program

The Erasmus + program is the European program for education, training, youth and sport. It is not only intended for students but is open to all publics and the fields of education and training, formal or non-formal.

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