Three pillars for youth development

By Laurent Pourtau, Gaïdo Lab (FR)

Education, participatory approaches and projects are three fundamental pillars for youth development. Indeed, these three dimensions are closely linked and feed each other to enable young people to develop and become active and responsible citizens.

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Education is the first pillar of this triptych.

It is the foundation of young people's education, enabling them to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for their personal and professional development. Indeed, education allows young people to develop their ability to learn, to think, to solve problems and to communicate. It also gives them the opportunity to acquire technical and professional skills, which enable them to adapt to the changing world of work.

Participation is the second pillar.

It allows young people to become actively involved in the life of society and to contribute to its development. Participation can take many forms: associative, political, cultural, social, etc. It allows young people to become aware of their capacity to act on their environment and to participate in the construction of a fairer and more united world.

Projects are the third pillar.

They allow young people to put into practice the skills and knowledge acquired during their training, and to apply them to concrete situations. The projects can be individual or collective, and can be of a very diverse nature: creation of a company, realization of an artistic or cultural project, involvement in a solidarity action, etc. They allow young people to develop their creativity, their spirit of initiative and their ability to work as a team.

Beyond these aspects, it is important to emphasize that promoting education, participation and projects for young people must be done in an inclusive and egalitarian perspective. It is indeed essential to guarantee access to these different pillars for all young people, regardless of their social background, gender, ethnic origin, geographical location, ...

In conclusion, promoting education, participation and projects for young people is the crucial issue that the PEPPY project proposes to address for their development and for the future of our society.

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Published by Emmanuel Arrechea

PEPPY - Promote Education, Participation and Projects  for Youth

Funded by
The Erasmus + program

The Erasmus + program is the European program for education, training, youth and sport. It is not only intended for students but is open to all publics and the fields of education and training, formal or non-formal.

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